Game 87 - vs. Sub!
In a growing trend for the Os, every O scored in their 41-24 loss to Sub! Unfortunately, no one scored more than 5 points, leaving the team sorely lacking for offense.
The Os hung close to Sub! in the first half, trailing only 13-9 at halftime. The Os overcame "aggressive" officiating which led to a 10-1 foul disparity in favor of Sub! for the first half. As much of the team was in foul trouble, the Os did not show the same aggressiveness in the second half and were not able to pull any closer. Ironically, with a foul disparity of 18-5 in favor of Sub!, they were the team that was constantly complaining (granted, not the whole team, just a few individuals).
Ironically, it was the lackluster game that led to an exciting O-phy vote. Every O received a vote except for the Giant, who had won the previous week. The race came down to Mr. Smooth versus Steve-O, who tied with four votes apiece. Mr. Smooth's argument that several of his 6 missed 3-pointers had been "assists" surely helped his case (along with his 3 points, 5 rebounds, and pair of assists). Steve-O had a strong case for the O-phy based on his 11 rebounds and last second foul out. Mr. Smooth managed to take home the O-phy on the random tiebreaker, being chosen by Jayme.