O's History

It started with a dream.

In the fall of 2002, the dream began: to field an NBA caliber team in the city of Camarillo. Plans were made. Jerseys were purchased.

A name was created: the Os. "O" for "Ohhhhh yeah!" "O" for orange, the team color. "O" for "Ohhhh, you just got blocked!" "O" for "O no, hell nO, ya'll went up and dOne it." "O" for "O-ffense." "O" for "O-D."

Then came the important step of selecting a league. The founders knew that the NBA (http://www.nba.com) would not take them seriously without any track record, so the Os needed a starting point. Further investigation revealed that the NBA's developmental league (http://www.nba.com/nbdl/) might be just as selective. As a result, the Os decided to implement a long-term plan. They would join the PVRPD and work their way up the ladder of basketball leagues.

After getting the runaround from the PVRPD for the fall 2002 season, the Os began their inaugural campaign in the spring of 2003. The PVRPD had never seen anything like the Os, with their distinctive uniform and playing styles. Although the Os struggled in their first season, including a technical foul for illegal substitution, they improved greatly. By the end of the season, they were able to stay within 20 points of their opponents from time to time.

During the summer of 2003, the PVRPD tried to accelerate the development of the Os. The Os were forced to join the "C+" league. There was no doubt that the Os were out of place. With their expectations rattled, the Os struggled through a difficult season.

Luckily, in the fall of 2003, the administrative kinks were worked out and the Os rejoined the "C-" league. And the breakthrough came. The Os were close to winning several games. On September 30, 2003, the historic moment finally came: "Os win! Os win!" In a hard fought 37-36 battle, the Os managed to defeat Climbing the Hill for their first franchise win.

It is easy to see that the 10 year Os plan should easily land them in the NBA. With a little more improvement and a few lucky breaks, the Os should be playing an NBA franchise in your area soon.