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The future project page is coming soon. In short: Cyclin Dependent Kinase 2 (CDK2) is a signaling protein in the mitosis pathway. Scientist have few methods at their disposal to view the actual structure of a protein. With information of the structure of the molecule, ideas can be generated on how it functions, how it misfunctions, and how it can be fixed or inhibited. CDK2 is a protein kinase, which is basically functions to turn other signaling proteins on or off. Although structure of Kinases have been determined with X-ray crystallography, it has never been determined using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). The latter technique does not require the protein to be crystallized - a process that may leave the protein in a different shape then the shape it needs to be in to function.

Typically the process of using NMR on a protein may take several months. The slated rotation project may be taking the first steps towards preparing this protein for NMR or may involve other activities involving CDK2!